Termin:Chaotic-Congress-Cinema-28C3 Nr. 17

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Version vom 11. April 2012, 17:44 Uhr von Muelli (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Chaotic Congress Cinema Nr. 17


The date "2012/05/02 20:00:00 PM" was not understood.The date "2012/05/02 20:00:00 PM" was not understood.


The date "2012/05/02 22:00:00 PM" was not understood.The date "2012/05/02 22:00:00 PM" was not understood.

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Wir schauen uns die Aufzeichnung von Congress-Vorträgen an. Du bist herzlich eingeladen, in den Clubräumen im Mexikoring 21 aufzutauchen und mit uns die Talks anzuschauen und zu diskutieren. Es wird Getränke und Knabberkram zu moderaten Preisen geben. Falls Du kein CCC-, CCCHH- oder Attraktor e.V.-Mitglied bist, macht das überhaupt nichts: Alle Gäste sind gern gesehen. :-)

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From Press Freedom to the Freedom of information

Why every citizen should be concerned

This talk is about:

+ Information freedom and the issues for the citizens + RWB ressources: a “human network” + RWB needs: Get involved!

    • Freedom of information and citizen issues

+ Why defend media freedom, journalists and bloggers? Because without

 a free press, no cause can make its voice heard, no human rights
 violation can be reported.

Specific examples of information vital to the public (links below): - the tainted baby formula scandal in China exposed by the netizen Zhao Lianhai, who was arrested as a result - Organized crime denounced by netizens, some of whom have been killed. Rascatripas, the moderator of the Nuevo Laredo en Vivo website, murdered on 9 November 2011 - RWB sees how the media and methods of spreading news and information are evolving, and is adapting to the changes - RWB helps all kinds of “information producers” including professional journalists and bloggers and takes positions on the problems specific to new media WikiLeaks hounded - Capacity building and e-advocacy: RWB provides bloggers, cyber-dissidents and journalists with the means to continue reporting and circulating information. Provision of censorship circumvention tools (including VPN) and online security training, circulation of viral campaigns, awareness campaigns, information about online risks.

    • RWB’s resources: a “human network”

+ A human network: 150 correspondents worldwide + informal contacts + Strong lobbying capacity (European Parliament and Washington) + A legal committee + Handbook for Bloggers and Handbook for Journalists during Elections + Training (in Thailand, in Paris in February, in China and elsewhere

 in the future)

+ Virtual Shelter project: Creation of electronic safe and website for

 hosting censored content

    • RWB’s needs: Get involved!

+ Need for people whose technical skills can help us to evaluate a

 country’s Internet, by carrying out tests to determine the filters
 used, the presence of Deep Packet Inspection and so on.

+ Need for technicians who can tell us about the safety of the various

 communications methods used. Which governments monitor Skype, IRC,
 BBM, and Google Talk? Which email service or VoIP to use?

+ Need for the help of experts in viral marketing, search engine

 marketing and information monitoring.

+ Need for contacts in companies that cooperate with Internet

 censorship (or former employees)

+ Need for the help of jurists in different countries to analyze the

 growing number of laws that regulate the Internet


+ `Tainted baby formula scandal in China <http://en.rsf.org/china-


+ `Rascatripas, the moderator of the Nuevo Laredo en Vivo website,

 murdered on 9 November 2011 <http://en.rsf.org/mexique-fourth-netizen-

+ `RWB helps bloggers in Egypt <http://en.rsf.org/egypt-jailed-


+ `Problems specific to new media WikiLeaks hounded <http://en.rsf.org


Bitcoin - An Analysis

Bitcoin is the first distributed, digital currency. It received a lot of attention recently as it questions the state monopoly to issue legal tender. It relies on distributed proof-of-work concepts to ensure money-like characteristics.

The existence and potential widespread use of such a distributed, non- centralized, non-regulated currency questions the ability of governments to control money supply, issue debt, and tax its populace.

Transactions in bitcoin form a publicly accessible network of economic relations, which can be extracted from the transaction history available to all users in the P2P-network of bitcoin.

Using re-identification algorithms it is possible to attack the proposed anonymity of users. While this is already an interesting security issue, the insight into a real-world economic experiment allows for the first time the empirical test of community structures in such social networks, which is definitely more substantial than the "I-like"-network in facebook and the like.

In this presentation, we show results on network analysis of the money flow, the behavior of individuals, and the overall scalability of P2P- currencies. At the same time we will discuss advanced "financial instruments" that one might find in the transactions.

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