Termin:Debian Edu Squeeze Developer Meeting

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Debian Edu Squeeze Developer Meeting


03.06.2011 08:00


05.06.2011 23:59



Needs to be there, but does not need to be seen by a visitor Yes


Let's meet for three days and work on releasing Debian-Edu squeeze! Everybody can help, we need testers, developers and people working on the documentation and its translations!


  • our goal on Friday + Saturday + Sunday: make Debian Edu Squeeze releasable
  • Friday 1200: setup
  • Friday 16oo: 1st kick off meeting
  • Friday evening: discuss and document the state of Debian Edu Squeeze
  • Friday 23oo: late night presentation of the CNC cutter and other hardware goodies at attraktor
  • Saturday 10oo: 2nd kick off meeting
  • Saturday 15oo: lunch and meet with Chaos macht Schule and discuss challanges of using computers in schools
  • Sunday: 12oo: Good-bye status meeting
  • Sunday: 14oo: cleanup
  • Sunday: 16oo: the end

See: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Gathering/2011-Hamburg

Contact Person: Holger Levsen