Termin:Chaotic-Congress-Cinema Nr. 30

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Version vom 17. August 2011, 01:53 Uhr von Muelli (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Chaotic Congress Cinema Nr. 30


17.08.2011 20:00


17.08.2011 22:00

Needs to be there, but does not need to be seen by a visitor Yes Wir schauen uns die Aufzeichnung von Congress Vorträgen an. Du bist herzlich eingeladen, in den Clubräumen im Mexikoring 21 aufzutauchen und mit uns die Talks anzuschauen und zu diskutieren. Es wird Getränke und Knabberkram zu moderaten Preisen geben. Falls Du kein CCC-, CCCHH- oder Attraktor e.V.-Mitglied bist, macht das überhaupt nichts: Alle Gäste sind gern gesehen. :-)

Weitere Informationen unter Chaotic Congress Cinema.

IMMI, from concept to reality

The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative and our need for a well- regulated flow of information

The talk will give an update on the status of the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative. If we put IMMI into the context of the bus Rop talked about in the keynote, then IMMI is the quality rubber for the tires that can ride that road safely. It is part of what our bus should look like, ride like, feel like. The talk will also try to define some more of that bus, and elaborate on what else we need apart from the best rubber we can get.

The talk will hence deal with some of the latest developments in respect to freedom of speech, specifically that of the press, and political pressure being excersized on it, roles and responsibilities, and the role of responsibility.

The talk will give an update on the status of the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative. If we put IMMI into the context of the bus Rop talked about in the keynote, then IMMI is the quality rubber for the tires that can ride that road safely. It is part of what our bus should look like, ride like, feel like. The talk will also try to define some more of that bus, and elaborate on what else we need apart from the best rubber we can get.

The talk will hence deal with some of the latest developments in respect to freedom of speech, specifically that of the press, and political pressure being excersized on it, roles and responsibilities, and the role of responsibility.


+ `IMMI <http://immi.is>`__



Wideband GSM Sniffing

GSM is still the most widely used security technology in the world with a user base of 5 billion and a quickly growing number of critical applications. 26C3's rainbow table attack on GSM's A5/1 encryption convinced many users that GSM calls should be considered unprotected. The network operators, however, have not woken up to the threat yet. Perhaps the new capabilities to be unleashed this year – like wide- band sniffing and real-time signal processing – will wake them up.

Now that GSM A5/1 encryption can be cracked in seconds, the complexity of wireless phone snooping moved to signal processing. Since GSM hops over a multitude of channels, a large chunk of radio spectrum needs to be analyzed, for example with USRPs, and decoded before storage or decoding. We demonstrate how this high bandwidth task can be achieved with cheap programmable phones.



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