Termin:Chaotic-Congress-Cinema Nr. 34

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Version vom 18. August 2011, 00:27 Uhr von Muelli (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Chaotic Congress Cinema Nr. 34


14.09.2011 20:00


14.09.2011 22:00

Needs to be there, but does not need to be seen by a visitor Yes Wir schauen uns die Aufzeichnung von Congress Vorträgen an. Du bist herzlich eingeladen, in den Clubräumen im Mexikoring 21 aufzutauchen und mit uns die Talks anzuschauen und zu diskutieren. Es wird Getränke und Knabberkram zu moderaten Preisen geben. Falls Du kein CCC-, CCCHH- oder Attraktor e.V.-Mitglied bist, macht das überhaupt nichts: Alle Gäste sind gern gesehen. :-)

Weitere Informationen unter Chaotic Congress Cinema.

USB and libusb

So much more than a serial port with power

Learn about the benefits and limitations of Universal Serial Bus, how communication works on the bus, how and why the right (and sometimes wrong?) driver can be loaded automatically by the operating system, and find out the easiest way to add USB to your washing machine, toaster, or other favorite appliance.

The talk goes under the hood of the ubiquitous standard and clarifies many concepts that are important to understand when developing either device firmware or host software for USB; host, device, hubs, low speed, full speed, high speed, super speed, bus power supply, cable lengths, transfer types, endpoints, descriptors and more. The choice between kernel mode or user mode drivers will also be discussed, and finally we'll take a look at libusb; a cross-platform (WinMacLinuxBSD) library for USB programming.

There will be a workshop that builds on this talk. Check the workshop schedule if you would like to join in the building of a custom USB device on an ARM microcontroller!



International Cyber Jurisdiction

Kill Switching Cyberspace, Cyber Criminal Prosecution & Jurisdiction Hopping

Concepts of sovereignty, freedom, privacy and intellectual property become amorphous when discussing territories that only exists as far as the Internet connects. International cyber jurisdiction is supported by a complicated web of international law and treaties. Jurisdiction hopping, a technique that is becoming popular for controversial content, is one we have used for the U.S. 1st Amendment censorship-resistant and non-profit hosting company, Project DOD, by using PRQ's services in Sweden. This technique is used to place assets in a diverse, but accessible, web of countries in which that content may be legal in the hosting country, but may have legal complications in the country in which it is accessed. As ownership and protection of property becomes a concept that is difficult to maintain across boundaries that are not easily distinguishable, can the U.S. "kill- switch" parts of the Internet and under what authority can it be done? Similarly, the geographic challenges to international cyber criminal law – and the feasibility of new sovereign nations – will be analyzed.

When a cybercrime is committed in a country in which the electronic communication did not originate, there is difficulty prosecuting the crime without being able to physically apprehend a subject that is virtually within – and physically without – a country's boarders. Similarly, a technique called jurisdiction hopping can be used to place assets in a diverse, but accessible, web of countries in which that content may be legal in the hosting country, but is not in the country in which it is accessed. Lastly, if the U.S. attempts to isolate damage by cutting off Internet connections, under what authority can it be done?

This presentation will discuss the types of international laws and treaties that may be cited in the event of extradition of cyber criminals, legal and geographic challenges – such as new sovereign nations – to jurisdiction hopping and the authority with which the U.S. may "kill switch" the Internet. I will also discuss the practical example of where, as a result of our Project DOD case in U.S. Federal court, we have put non-copyright infringing materials on PRQ's servers in Sweden to reduce the incidences of Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s "Take Down" infringement notices that are illegitimate.



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