Termin:Chaotic-Congress-Cinema Nr. 29

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Chaotic Congress Cinema Nr. 29


10.08.2011 20:00


10.08.2011 22:00

Needs to be there, but does not need to be seen by a visitor Yes Wir schauen uns die Aufzeichnung von Congress Vorträgen an. Du bist herzlich eingeladen, in den Clubräumen im Mexikoring 21 aufzutauchen und mit uns die Talks anzuschauen und zu diskutieren. Es wird Getränke und Knabberkram zu moderaten Preisen geben. Falls Du kein CCC-, CCCHH- oder Attraktor e.V.-Mitglied bist, macht das überhaupt nichts: Alle Gäste sind gern gesehen. :-)

Weitere Informationen unter Chaotic Congress Cinema.

"The Concert"

a disconcerting moment for free culture

Corey Cerovsek and Julien Quentin, accomplished musicians known worldwide for their classical recital performances, and media artist Alex Antener present something that's not quite an ordinary concert, to draw attention to the importance of the public domain in centuries of classical music tradition. It's both more — and less — than what you might expect to see and hear at a classical concert.

Mixing live and recorded music with visuals with a message, Julien Quentin, Corey Cerovsek and Alex Antener imagine the heavy curtain of a non-free culture falling on four hundred years of classical music. Ripping and mixing have been going on for longer than you might imagine, and without the Public Domain, much of our classical heritage would be replaced with silence. From Lennon to Bernstein, Bernstein to Mozart, Liszt to Paganini, Sarasate to Bizet, Mendelssohn to Bach, classical music has been a culture of ceaseless sharing in which individuals have nonetheless been able to project indelible voices across the centuries. Had music always been controlled as some would like it to be controlled now, would we have this rich tradition to transmit to you?



Distributed FPGA Number Crunching For The Masses

How we obtained the equivalent power of a Deep Crack for a fistful of dollars - and how the community can benefit from this

In 1998, the EFF built "Deep Crack", a machine designed to perform a walk over DES's 56-bit keyspace in nine days, for $250.000. With today's FPGA technology, a cost decrease of 25x can be achieved, as the copacobana project has shown. If that's still too much, two approaches should be considered: Recycling hardware and distributed computing. This talk will be about combining both approaches for the greater good.

A number of projects (`Copacobana <http://www.copacobana.org/>`__, `Picocomputing <http://www.picocomputing.com/pdf/PR_Pico_DES_BH_Jan_29_2010.pdf>`__) have shown that with today's technology enough brute force computing power to break limited keylength ciphers (like DES) is affordable even for small companies. But what about Joe Geek at home? Recycling FPGAs is one option (`nsa@home <http://nsa.unaligned.org/>`__), distributed computing another (`distributed.net <http://www.distributed.net/Main_Page>`__, ...). This project combines both approaches, developing a toolchain that can be used to prototype a project on a low-end FPGA (or even in a free simulator), and then scaling up the effort across different implementations onto a large number of devices. An example client implementation uses an FPGA in a widely available consumer device to provide computing power when the device is in standby. Another approach that will be discussed in detail is how to obtain decommissioned high-end FPGA-based hardware. We will have hardware to show with a live demo!



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